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Media releases

Medienmitteilung - EOS Holding Ergebnisse 2008 (EOS)

Lausanne, den 20. Februar 2009 – EOS Holding beschliesst das Geschäftsjahr 2008 mit einem Umsatz von CHF 3,5 Mrd. (2007: 2,2 Mrd.) und einem…

Pressemitteilung - Neue Zielvorgaben von EOS Holding (EOS)

Lausanne, den 20. Februar 2009 - Seit dem 1. Februar 2009 ist EOS Holding als Ergebnis des Zusammenschlusses von Atel und EOS mit 31,4% an der Alpiq…

Reuss valley, Uri: Atel Transmission Ltd. lays line section at Amsteg

Atel Transmission Ltd., a subsidiary of Alpiq Holding Ltd., is laying a section of its high-voltage line in the Reuss valley, in the canton of Uri.…

Award for wind park project in Bulgaria

At an official ceremony held on 12 February 2009 at the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy, Dr Stoyan Stalev, Executive Director of the…

Erfolg von unserem EDV gestützten Fernsteuerungs- und Überwachungssystem (Mauerhofer & Zuber)

Extraordinary General Meeting in Olten

Shareholders of Atel Holding Ltd (Atel Group) today voted in favour of all the Board of Directors' proposals at the Extraordinary General Meeting held…

Alpiq Zlín s.r.o. and Alpiq Generation (CZ) produce electricity and heat from renewable resources

Early last year, the combustion of biomass in the form of wood chips in combination with brown coal was successfully launched in the fluidized bed…

Alpiq welcomes you at E-World, 10-12 February 2009 (EOS)

Alpiq has the energy generation of the Emosson storage power station at its disposal

The French company EDF will contribute the whole of the energy share of its 50-percent participation in the Emosson storage power station to the Alpiq…

Atel Energy Lietuva receives energy trading licence

The Atel subsidiary Energy Lietuva UAB, which was founded in October, is one of the very first foreign companies to receive an energy trading licence…